How to Savor Simple Pleasures that Bring You Joy

               How to Savor Simple Pleasures that Bring You Joy

Today, I choose awareness. I choose to be aware of the beauty of life and living. I choose to be aware of the simple pleasures in life. I choose awareness of joy, awareness of peace, and awareness of love.
-Iyanla Vanzant

In these challenging times we are experiencing together or apart, many of us have come to an awakening about what is really important. No matter what is happening ‘out there’ one thing we slowly begin to realize it’s the little things in life that give us the most joy.

Most of us go through the day on automatic pilot. As an example, we can be ‘out to lunch’ while eating lunch! The first step is the awareness that we’re not being present in the moment.

It’s Important to Savor Simple Pleasures

How can we get more present? The key is tuning in by using any one of our senses. Feel the sun on your face, taste the sweet fresh fig, smell the fragrant flower, see the subtle patterns of light as it moves across a room, and hear the sounds of birds that, up until now, have been chirping unnoticed.

Now that the gyms are closed, I have been doing some wonderful walks around the city and have been noticing luminous discoveries on my path that share glimpses of hope and small wonders. I have experienced some wonderful moments of bliss that have been uplifting and inspiring.

Now that we have had to slow down a bit, we may learn how truly to enjoy the simple things that we may have once taken for granted or brushed by without really ‘breathing in’ their beauty.


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